TRS And BJP Clash – In the middle of celebrations of 76th Independence Day, a fight broke out between the workers of the Telangana Rashtra Samithi and Bharatiya Janata Party workers in Devurauppala, Jangaon district, while hoisting the national flag.
As per the local press reporter, at least two BJP workers have been critically injured and few others suffered with minor bruises.
A video of the Telangana State BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar, has been posted on Twitter handle, where he appears to be upset while in conversation with the state DGP.
In the video, he is heard blaming and lashing the State police force especially the Commissioner Of Police, for failing to provide security and for incapable of controlling the situation.
It is to be noted that Bandi Sanjay is on his third phase of ‘Praja Sangrama Yatra‘.
Also, Bandi Sanjay is heard warning DGP – “If you show dadagiri to me, I will also show you the same”. I am giving you ten minutes time to control the whole situation, or else I will control in my own way”.
On the other hand, as per the police, the situation has been controlled. However, no case of any sort has been registered yet, as per the reporter.
PS – Gangapuram Kishan Reddy, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Development of North Eastern Region of India, visited Mallesh Yadav, BJP karyakarta who was injured during the attack on the Praja Sangram Yatra in Palakurti in Jangaon District, today i.e, Aug 17th 2022 at a hospital in Hyderabad.
The Union minister enquired about his health and spoke to the Doctors treating him.
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