
First Visuals From inside the Plane: Tokyo Airport collision

Tokyo Airport collision

Terrifying Tokyo Airport Collision: Passengers Evacuate Burning Plane Amidst Chaos

First visuals from inside the wrecked plane that caught fire at Tokyo International Airport #Japan. People can be heard screaming.

Videos surfaced across social media showing terrified passengers inside a Japan Airlines flight that caught fire after colliding with another plane at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport.

The footage captured the chaotic scene as the flight landed, with passengers urgently trying to exit the aircraft.

courtesy: NYbreaking.com

As the jet ignited in flames, smoke quickly filled the cabin, triggering panic among the 379 passengers, including the 12 crew members.

Following a collision with a smaller Coast Guard aircraft, the Japan Airlines flight slid down the runway fully engulfed in flames.

japan airplane crash

The Coast Guard aircraft was on its way to deliver aid to Japan’s west coast after earthquakes.

Thankfully, all 379 passengers and crew on the airline were successfully evacuated. Tragically, it was reported that five out of the six crew members on the Coast Guard aircraft lost their lives in the incident.




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